What's Happening
Dear God...
“Hate leads to fights, Fights lead to war, War leads to beautiful world no more”
Kieran Hunt


NASACRE (National Association of Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education) started in 1993 and exists to strengthen local SACREs (Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education), and to support them in carrying out their statutory duties and responsibilities. NASACRE represents and celebrates SACREs at a strategic national level. More information can be found on the NASACRE website.

Westhill Endowment, with a particular interest in Religious Education, support NASACRE by financing specific projects run by SACREs. The process is that SACREs apply to NASACRE, who assess their application, before they are passed to Trustees at Westhill Endowment who verify the decisions and offer funding for the projects directly.

This page shows SACRE projects funded recently.

Project In Progress

Bringing young people and community faith leaders together to explore questions important to young people today.  The event aims to recognise the voice of students in facing the challenges in their communities and the wider world today through dialogue with religious and non-religious community leaders.

Year 9 students will represent the views of their school peers by taking part in a number of morning workshops exploring themes they have identified as ones that matter to their communities.  The afternoon will be supported by SACRE members and other faith leaders in conversation with students about these issues.  Students will have the chance to discuss and question faith leaders and these interviews will be recorded for the participating schools and beyond to use in religious education lessons.

Project In Progress
Fresh Ideas for RVE enhances Religion, Values, and Ethics (RVE) education by offering high-quality resources and practical professional learning for educators to support their planning and delivery of RVE. Through dynamic workshops and collaborative learning, it aims to inspire teachers and exemplify effective educational practices to support high quality RVE that meet the needs and requirements of the Curriculum for Wales.

Additionally, the project includes rigorous external evaluations to ensure the value, relevance, and quality of its resources and training laying a solid foundation for future RVE excellence across our region and further. We are deeply grateful to Westhill Endowment for their support. (SACRE - Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education)
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