What's Happening
Dear God...
“The ocean is like God and raindrops are the religion. When they fall into the ocean they become one.”
Zoya Ahmed and Nurun Uddin


Learn Strand

SparkFish is a local, collaborative Christian organisation that aims to inspire and encourage young people in faith, hope and love.

SparkFish has grown to work with thirty-one schools, both Primary, Secondary schools and our work comprises of the following complementary strands:

1. Learn —RE events which bring the Bible to life.

2. Think —Space and time in a busy school day for reflection and wonder, hopes and prayers.

3. Hope —Support for students at times of change and challenge.
Our vision is to serve schools, show love and care to young people and explain the Christian faith intelligently, encouraging them to make their own informed response.

SparkFish operates as an ecumenical partnership between churches in Reigate, Redhill, Merstham and Horley.
SparkFish offers a popular two-part RE programme for the two main Christian festivals of the year:
The Christmas Journey which is an interactive retelling of the Nativity Story for Year 2 pupils from 21 local Primary Schools, reaching 1000+ children. 

We also offer The Easter Experience which is a dramatic presentation of Holy Week and Easter for Year 5 pupils from 15 local Primary Schools, reaching 800+ children.

These seasonal events are a key part of the school calendars in our local area and have proven very effective for schools teaching this key part of the Christian calendar. The events are firmly ecumenical and involve 60+ volunteers from across the local churches.
In both of these events the narrative is faithful to the Bible and children are encouraged to understand, reflect and question.

These events are held in local churches and we provide coach  transport to the Primary Schools to help them attend.  This transport is crucial for many schools who aren’t in the local vicinity of the hosting church and don’t have the funds to fund their own transport. 
The aim of our two interactive events is to faithfully teach these Bible stories and to bring them to life. SparkFish aims to explain the Christian faith intelligently, encouraging young people to make their own informed response.

These events are popular with all faiths and none as they teach the Christian stories in an interactive and fun way and allow children to reflect, question and explore. 
For more information please see the SparkFish Website by clicking here. 

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