What's Happening
Dear God...
“Hate leads to fights, Fights lead to war, War leads to beautiful world no more”
Kieran Hunt

Discovering Prayer

Prayer App

Discovering Prayer exists to inspire people to have a joyful, fulfilling relationship with God.
Many people are finding life increasingly stressful and isolating. Research shows that exploring spirituality and adopting practices like prayer can make a real difference to our physical, mental and social wellbeing. But many find it hard to pray, struggling with blocks like distraction and loneliness.
The wonderful thing is that many Christian nuns and monks have spent decades seeking God and learning ways to handle these challenges. Their insights and practices can help people encounter God in joyfully fresh and fulfilling ways.

Discovering Prayer are committed to capturing this treasure for posterity and sharing it widely with a new generation.
Drawing on this rich heritage of Christian monastic practice, we create guided prayer times and short, accessible online courses to help people get into a rhythm of prayer. Rooted in scripture passages, they incorporate silence, structure and an opportunity for people to hear God’s voice more clearly.
Over 70,000 people have prayed with Discovering Prayer to date, and many – like Olivia and Alex – have written to say how transformative they have found this.
‘I experienced a deep feeling of homecoming, which was incredibly moving and something I haven’t felt before.’  
‘People have seen the change in me.’

The plan is now to take this tried-and-tested web-based model and make it available via a new app, provisionally called ‘Beloved’. This work builds on projects like our popular Westhill-funded ‘Rhythm of Grace’ prayer series.
The app will enable participants to get into a life-changing rhythm of prayer through a free guided prayer time and blessing each day. Access to further resources will be available for a small charge in order to make the app sustainable.
We believe the app will help participants: i) learn to quieten distractions and deepen their relationship with God, ii) enjoy improved spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing and iii) develop a life of prayer that will in turn impact their loved ones and communities.
To learn more, visit www.discoveringprayer.com or email info@discoveringprayer.com

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