Dear God...
“Hate leads to fights, Fights lead to war, War leads to beautiful world no more”
Kieran Hunt


Southwell Minster

Let's go Time Travelling!

Southwell Minster’s Time Travelling programme supports Religious Education teaching in Nottinghamshire. More than 1,500 primary school children visit the Minster each year to take part in pilgrimage days, where they learn about Christianity through lively workshops and creative activities. The programme is joyful and inclusive, focusing on the power of faith to transform lives.

There’s no better way to embed and deepen classroom RE learning than by taking part in workshops that bring faith and tradition to life. Southwell Minster is proud to work with teachers and schools across Nottinghamshire and beyond through the generous support of Westhill.

Southwell Minster is a rural Cathderal in the heart of the Nottinghamshire countryside. The Minster’s Education Programme opens the doors of faith, history and heritage to generations by providing educational experiences in a welcoming, joyful environment both inside and outside the cathedral. Each year, 4,500 children and adults in Nottinghamshire take part in the Minster’s Education Programme, with Education Days covering religion, history and heritage.

Our main objectives:
  • Bring Religious Education learning to life, with hands-on, creative activities that inspire children and enhance their classroom learning

  • Offer a day out of the ordinary – a chance to enjoy leafy spaces in the beautiful Cathedral Gardens during every visit, particularly important for inner-city children

  • Boost children’s confidence to ask questions about religion, working with staff and volunteers who are experts in getting the best out of learners

Let's Go Time Travelling:

This project supported by Westhill Endowment, is our flagship Religious Education programme, Time Travelling, which welcomes over 1,500 schoolchildren to Southwell Minster each year.

The experience centres around a one-day pilgrimage to the Minster: the power of faith and community are drawn out through age-relevant activities including drama, craft, music and role-play, focusing on Christian beliefs and practices.

The day begins and ends with a short act of worship and the presentation of a candle for each school. The programme is joyful and inclusive, focusing on the power of faith to transform lives. It embraces children of different Christian traditions, those of other faiths, and those with no experience of faith. We work hard to ensure that all children can engage meaningfully with Time Travelling, without barriers posed by learning or physical needs, and we provide a positive experience for all children, no matter whether they have ever visited a church before. All Learning Outcomes align with the Nottinghamshire RE Agreed Syllabus.

In 2024 and beyond, our aim is to expand the programme to making our programme accessible to children with special educational needs. We take every opportunity to make visits accessible and enjoyable for students with additional needs, and have forged strong relations with local specialist schools in the last year. This academic year we are focusing on increasing this provision of Education Visits by working in partnership with specialists schools in the area.

For more informatuon please see our website or contact us:


Southwell logo
Southwell bishops dressing up
Southwell cathedral music warm up
Southwell easter photo
Southwell Great West Window
Southwell in the porch
Southwell Learning about prayer
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