Dear God...
“Hate leads to fights, Fights lead to war, War leads to beautiful world no more”
Kieran Hunt

Religious Education Council
of England and Wales

RE Quality Mark
REQM Sparklers
The Religious Education Quality Mark is an awards scheme for schools. 

It is run by the RE Council of England and Wales as a ‘not-for-profit’ project to help teachers and their school celebrate great RE – across all sector, phases and settings.
Schools can achieve the award at Bronze, Silver or Gold levels, and since it was founded in 2012 the REQM community has grown to more than 600 schools.  Some of these schools are returning for a third award cycle now, and loyalty to REQM has shown how popular it is with those involved.

School leaders have become REQM assessors themselves, and the scheme has partnered national organisations and other funders to provide support for RE at events and in publications.
New criteria for the award (validated by the REC in 2019) became the new framework for all participating schools in January 2021.  Referencing the language of ‘religion and worldviews’ used by the Commission on RE in 2018, new OFSTED and Section 48 inspection frameworks, and presenting four strands covering teaching, learning, curriculum and leadership, these criteria have been well received by schools and assessors engaged in the celebration of the subject and its impact.
All awards are now managed through an online process developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, but now established as a thriving and rigorous way to communicate effective RE.

For more information:

REQM Sparklers:
REQM: and

RE Council of England and Wales:
The ‘Sparklers’ project, generously funded by Westhill Endowment, has enabled the REQM team to create a programme of online events during 2021 to celebrate the work of REQM, show how it can be an effective part of improving RE in schools,
and encourage other schools to take part.
Our key questions for the case studies are:

How and why did you first engage in the REQM award process?

What were the highlights of your REQM journey?

What difference did the award make to your school and its community?

Where are you and your school going next with your RE?
We look forward to welcoming you to events, and to hearing from any school who might contribute to the case studies.
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