Religious Education Council
Religions and Worldviews in Religious Education
In September 2018, the Commission on RE (CoRE) published its ground-breaking report that recommeneded a new approach to RE that it termed Religion and Worldview.
Since then, the RE Council (REC) has been involved in hosting conversation around what this means in practice for classroom RE and has published a range of resources to support understanding of this new approach.
The REC has working with Birmingham-based RE Today on a project to support the RE syllabus writers and curriculum developers in their work of interpreting a Religion and Worldview approach.
The Westhill grant will helped fund the cost of an Expert Advistory Group (EAG), whose members acted as a critical friend and advisor to Stephen Pett, the project Leader.
The two matters that the EAG advised on in particular were:
1. The developement of CoRE's proposal for a National Statement of Entitlement (NSE), bringing it into synergy with the Ofsted Reserach Report on RE,
2. The production of a handbook for curriculum developements and syllabus writers offering guidance on how to translate the NSE into a curriculum or syllabus that is fit for purpose in the specific context that they are supporting.
These materials were launched in draft form at the REC AGM on 5th May 2022.
Following on from this Stephen Pett will work with three developement teams each of which will develop a framework document and exemplification materials that demonstrate how they have implemented the NSE and handbook guidence in the specific context of their schools.
Further informtaion for teams wishing to bid to be part of this procerss is available from the REC at The draft NSE handbook will be revised in the light of what has been leanrt and published in final form in late 2024 alongside materials produced by the three teams.
Through this project the REC aims to provide support materials from curricullum developers and syllbabus wtiters working in a variety of contexts.
Further informtaion for teams wishing to bid to be part of this procerss is available from the REC at The draft NSE handbook will be revised in the light of what has been leanrt and published in final form in late 2024 alongside materials produced by the three teams.
Through this project the REC aims to provide support materials from curricullum developers and syllbabus wtiters working in a variety of contexts.
More information can be found here