Fitness and Wellbeing Programme
For over 15 years, Mercy UK has been supporting women struggling with issues such as self-harm, eating disorders, depression and the effects of abuse in all its forms.
Their free-of-charge residential home has welcomed more than 300 women through its doors since they opened in 2006.
The home offers a faith-based approach to improving the mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of young women in desperate need of support.
Cath was one the very first Mercy residents, and for her, this residential home felt like her last hope. She’d suffered various forms of abuse when she was young, and came to Mercy full of hurt. It was, in her own words, her last resort. But at Mercy she found acceptance and healing.
The six-month programme gave her the time and space she needed to focus on her physical, mental and spiritual health. She arrived not caring if she lived or died but left with a huge understanding of her self-wroth and now helps others on their healing journey.
Cath is just one of hundreds of women that have had their hope restored. When over 170 former residents were asked where they believe they would be if it had not been for their time at Mercy UK, 63% responded ‘dead’.
Integral to the success of this residential programme is their holistic approach to addressing the root-issues of the challenges our women face.
Developing positive health and wellbeing habits is key in sustaining freedom and health long-term, and is a fundamental part this programme. Within the home itself, they provide fresh and nutritious food, bespoke nutrition and fitness plans and creative workshops for our resident group, 68 per cent of whom face eating-related issues.
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