What's Happening
Dear God...
“Hate leads to fights, Fights lead to war, War leads to beautiful world no more”
Kieran Hunt

Holy Rood House

The Hildegard Project

The Hildegard Project, builds on the work of the community, facing a rapidly changing world. We find ourselves in our 30th Anniversary Year and continue our dedication to the healing ministry. 

Inspired by Hildegard of Bingen, 12thc., who had a holistic approach to healing, we are taking forward our commitment to this understanding of healing. Supporting people of all ages in their physical, mental and spiritual health through recognising the interface between the gardens, arts, spirituality and justice, which get to the heart of this project. We find that awareness between nature, spirituality and hospitality empowers people towards transformation of life.

Our therapeutic and theological work inform each other, challenging the community to respond to the health needs of individuals, especially children and young people, whose lives have been shattered due to the pandemic and who are struggling with the fears of climate change, war, and anxieties building up in their family lives. We are also seeking through this project to respond to the healing of communities and to the earth.

This project supports pastoral and practical work in the gardens, providing a healing environment based on a just way of working the land.

Whilst our gardens have always been a public space, we are creating ways forward through the Hildegard Project, for many to find their way here to connect with nature and their own therapeutic and spiritual journey.

Our ‘Ecology of Health’ educational work connects Global, Personal and Spiritual Health. Within our gentle Christian ethos and through our professional therapeutic and chaplaincy work, we will accompany people who are reaching out to us, looking for care and respite, counselling and spiritual nourishment. The Hildegard Project will enrich and enhance this vital work.

So welcome to Holy Rood, a vibrant, safe and sacred space. As you come across the threshold you will discover something unique as together we develop 'The Hildegard Project'.

For more information please see

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